Recommended: Natta Adavu No.3 || नट्टा अदावु कैसे करे?? || Hindi Tutorial Lesson 3 🤔 ||



“Natta Adavu 3” is likely to be another sequence of movements or steps in Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form. Each adavu serves as a foundational element that dancers learn as part of their training. While the specific details of “Natta Adavu 3” may vary based on the tradition or teacher, here is a generic breakdown.

We started off with Nattadavu steps 1 & 2 in the previous episode. Today we’re going to seeing how to do Nattadavu (नाट्टडवु) {read: Naa-ttuh-duh-voo} steps 3 & 4.

Like the 1st & 2nd steps, 4th is just twice of the 3rd step. And the sollukattu (सोल्लुकट्टु) or Rhythmic syllables of is – Thaiyyum That Tha Thaiyyum Thaam

I. Leg Movements
  1. Sit in Aramandi position.
  2. Lift your RIGHT LEG – toes pointed while imagining that you heel is touching your behind. Place the right heel firmly to the right side of your body. (still maintaining Aramandi) {Count 1}
  3. Lift the heel off the ground imagining it touching your behind and hit the floor next to your left leg – i.e coming back to original position {Count 2}
  4. Lift your LEFT LEG – toes pointed while imagining that you heel is touching your behind. Place the heel firmly to the left side of your body. (still maintaining Aramandi) {Count 3}
  5. Lift the leg and hit it back to the original position. {Count 4}
  6. Lift the RIGHT LEG and place the toes behind your left leg {Count 5}
  7. Hit your Left leg in same position {Count 6}
  8. From behind take the Right Heel to the right side (like step 2) {Count 7}
  9. Hit the Right Leg back to the original position {Count 8}

This was entirely the RIGHT SIDE. Repeat the same in LEFT SIDE and do the whole step in 3 speeds.

II. Hand Movements
  1. Stretch hands out to side at shoulder level slightly bent at elbows. Hand Gesture – Tripataka.
  2. Turn your RIGHT ARM to face the right palm upwards {Count 1}
  3. Turn back the arm to face downwards. {Count 2}
  4. Turn LEFT ARM to face right palm upwards {Count 3}
  5. Turn back to face it downwards {Count 4}
  6. Bring Right Arm to the centre at chest level – palm facing down {Count 5}
  7. Maintain same position as above while turning the palm upwards {Count 6}
  8. Take the Right arm outside to shoulder level – palm upwards {Count 7}
  9. Turn back to face the right palm down. {Count 8}

Repeat same in LEFT SIDE. Repeat the step in 3 speeds.